
8 Eggplant Benefits for Women: Fertility, Hormones & More

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When it comes to nutritious fruits and veggies, the humble eggplant often gets overshadowed by trendier picks like kale and avocados. But this purple powerhouse deserves a spot in the limelight, especially for women looking to optimize their health.

Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, eggplants can provide many benefits – from supporting reproductive function to protecting against chronic diseases.


Eggplant Nutritional Facts

Don’t let eggplant’s simple appearance fool you – it’s a nutritional heavyweight. 100g of raw cubed eggplant contains just 25 calories yet provides:

  • 3g fiber (12% DV)
  • 10% DV of manganese
  • 6% DV of potassium
  • 5% DV of folate
  • 4% DV of vitamin K
  • 3% DV of vitamin C

It also has small amounts of other essential nutrients like niacin, magnesium and copper. This mix of vitamins, minerals, and fiber makes eggplant a wise choice for filling up with quality nutrition without overconsumption of calories.

1.   Better Fertility 

For women trying to conceive, adding eggplants to their diet could provide a fertility boost. That’s because eggplants are an excellent plant-based source of nutrients key for reproductive health like:

  • Folate – Critical for fetal development and preventing neural tube defects. Just 1 cup of eggplant provides 5% of the daily folate need.
  • Iron – Crucial for preventing anemia, which can disrupt ovulation. The Vitamin C in eggplants enhances iron absorption.
  • Antioxidants – Eggplant antioxidants like nasunin may help protect egg quality from oxidative stress.
  • Fiber – Helps regulate blood sugar and promotes fertile-friendly hormone balance.

Some research even suggests eggplant compounds like solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides may have estrogen-regulating effects that enhance fertility. More studies are still needed, but overall, eggplant provides great reproductive nutrition.

2.   Balances Hormones

Speaking of hormones, eggplants contain various nutrients that can help women maintain optimal hormone health throughout their cycle and lifetime. The manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C and antioxidants in eggplants keep hormones like estrogen in balance.

Balanced hormones are key for regulating mood, fertility, menstrual regularity and more. The fiber in eggplants also helps clear excess hormones from the body and prevent hormonal imbalances. Some researchers even suggest that phytonutrients in eggplants may have phytoestrogenic effects that could reduce PMS, menopause symptoms and certain hormone-related conditions.

3.   Bedroom Boost 

While more studies are still needed, eggplants have long had a reputation as a fertility-enhancing and libido-boosting food, aka an aphrodisiac. There could be some scientific truth behind this statement.

The reasons? Eggplants provide nutrients involved in sexual health and pleasure, like zinc for enhancing arousal and vitamin B6, which is required for healthy testosterone and estrogen production. They’re also a good source of nitrates, which improve blood flow for better physical arousal.

Additionally, the antioxidants in eggplants help protect eggs and egg quality while enhancing overall energy and vitality. Maintaining sufficient iron levels from plant sources like eggplant can prevent fatigue, which reduces libido, too.

4.    Stronger Bones

Bone health is a major concern for women, especially as they age and their estrogen levels decline, increasing osteoporosis risk. Fortunately, eggplants can help keep bones strong and dense.

First, they’re an excellent source of bone-building manganese, providing 10% of needs in just one cup. Manganese works with other nutrients like copper and zinc (also found in eggplants) to stimulate the bone metabolism process.

5.   Radiant Skin

There’s a reason why eggplants are used as a beauty food in Ayurvedic practices – their antioxidants provide major anti-aging skin benefits. The anthocyanin compounds that give eggplants their vibrant purple pigment help neutralize free radicals that accelerate wrinkles, fine lines and skin dullness.

But eggplants don’t just keep your complexion glowing from the outside. The vitamin C in eggplants is crucial for collagen production, the protein that keeps skin looking plump and youthful. Their supply of hydrating potassium for soft, supple skin is another skin-saving boon.

6.   Digestive Ease

Struggling with digestive woes like constipation, gas or bloating? Eggplant’s plentiful fiber could be the solution, especially as women’s gastrointestinal needs change during cycles and with age.

With a noteworthy 3 grams of fiber per 100g, the insoluble and soluble fiber in eggplants helps regulate bowel movements and add bulk to stool. This fiber also serves as a prebiotic, feeding the healthy gut bacteria crucial for smooth digestion.

Eggplants are also low in FODMAPs, making them less likely to cause digestive distress for women with IBS and other GI conditions. Their nutrient profile overall is easier on sensitive tummies than many other vegetables.

7.   Heart Disease Protection

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death for women, so protecting heart health is critical. Here again, eggplants provide an array of cardioprotective nutrition.

The starring antioxidant is the anthocyanin nasunin, found in high concentrations in eggplant skin. Research shows that nasunin may help prevent oxidized “bad” LDL cholesterol from accumulating on artery walls.

But eggplants’ cardio benefits go beyond their antioxidants. They’re also a stellar source of the blood pressure-regulating minerals magnesium, potassium and manganese. Their soluble fiber helps lower LDL cholesterol, too.

8.   Simple to Enjoy

One of the best things about eggplant is its versatility. It can be baked, grilled, roasted, and cooked in virtually endless recipes across global cuisines. That makes it easy to enjoy eggplant’s benefits regularly.

For maximum nutrition, choose cooking methods that preserve eggplant’s vitamins and antioxidants, like baking, grilling or enjoying them raw. Leave the nutrient-rich skin on whenever possible. Eat a few servings weekly by incorporating eggplants into meals like stir-fries, curries, pasta dishes and dips.

The Bottom Line

Eggplants may be an underrated vegetable, but they’re overflowing with numerous health benefits for women. From boosting fertility and regulating hormones to protecting bones and heart health, their rich supply of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber makes them a nutritional gem.

So do your health a favor and make room for more eggplant in your diet. With their delicious versatility and ease of use, it’s simple to benefit from this powerful purple plant. Your body will thank you.


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