Author: Catherine Nderi

  • 6 Dragon Fruit Benefits Sexually: ED, Libido, & More

    6 Dragon Fruit Benefits Sexually: ED, Libido, & More

    Introduction With its vibrant pink skin and appealing exotic flavor, Dragon fruit is not just a visually stunning tropical treat. This unique cactus fruit, also known as pitaya or strawberry pear, packs a powerful nutritional punch that could give your sex life a thrilling boost. From enhancing libido to improving fertility, dragon fruit’s benefits may… Read more

  • Dragon Fruit 101: All Your Dragon Fruit Questions Answered

    Dragon Fruit 101: All Your Dragon Fruit Questions Answered

    Can you eat dragon fruit raw? Yes, dragon fruit can be eaten raw. In fact, it is best enjoyed fresh and raw to experience its unique flavor and texture. What is the difference between red and white dragon fruit? The main differences between red and white dragon fruit are their colors and flavors. Red dragon… Read more

  • Dragon Fruit: Origin, Nutrition, Taste, Benefits, & FAQs

    Dragon Fruit: Origin, Nutrition, Taste, Benefits, & FAQs

    Introduction Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a truly unique tropical fruit that has captured the attention of food enthusiasts worldwide. With its striking appearance and delightful taste, this fruit has become a sought-after delicacy. What is Dragon Fruit? Dragon fruit is the fruit of a cactus plant called Hylocereus, native to Mexico, Central… Read more

  • Thorn Melon 101: All Your Horned Melon Questions Answered

    Thorn Melon 101: All Your Horned Melon Questions Answered

    What is the origin of kiwano or thorn melon? The kiwano melon, also known as the thorn melon or horned melon, is an exotic fruit originating in the Kalahari Desert regions of southern Africa. It is part of the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes cucumbers and melons. The kiwano’s scientific name is Cucumis metuliferus. This unique… Read more