While the research on salmon’s sexual benefits has largely focused on men, there are still plenty of reasons ladies should add more of this oily fish to their menu.

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1. Salmon For Hormonal Health
First off, salmon may help with hormonal issues that can dampen a woman’s libido and enjoyment of sex. Vitamin D is vital in estrogen balance and regulating the menstrual cycle.
Multiple studies have linked vitamin D deficiency in women to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), painful menstrual cramps, PMS, and even infertility. Adequate vitamin D from foods like salmon may help correct these hormonal imbalances and their sexual side effects.
Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon are also crucial for proper hormonal balance and function in women. The healthy fats help regulate the production of key reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. When omega-3 intake is low, this can disrupt menstrual cycles and fertility.
2. Salmon For Lubrication
Speaking of getting wet…salmon may help increase vaginal lubrication and sensitivity during arousal by improving blood flow. As we discussed earlier, the omega-3s in salmon promote healthy, flexible arteries that allow maximum circulation where you want it most.
Proper lubrication during sex is not only more enjoyable, but it reduces painful friction and tearing that can make intimacy uncomfortable. The smooth, silky lubrication produced during arousal also allows the vagina to expand or “tent” more easily for better pleasure and orgasm potential.
Multiple studies have found that women who consume more omega-3s tend to have higher ratings of vaginal lubrication and overall sexual satisfaction compared to women with lower omega-3 intakes. So, loading up on salmon could be the tasty key to wetter, hotter escapades!
3. Salmon For Cramps
The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and overactive prostaglandin production that causes menstrual cramping. Several studies have found that women who consume more omega-3s experience less severe menstrual pain.
In one study, women who took a daily omega-3 supplement had significantly milder cramps compared to the placebo group. Other research has found similar benefits for reducing menstrual pain with increased consumption of fatty fish like salmon.
Less cramping and discomfort means you may be more interested in intimacy during your period. Or, at the very least, salmon can help you feel better in the weeks leading up to your cycle, so you don’t have to put your sex life totally on hold.
4. Salmon For Fertility
Multiple studies have linked higher intakes of omega-3 fatty acids from fish to increased chances of getting pregnant. Researchers believe these nutrients help improve egg quality and support embryo implantation.
In one study, women having fertility treatments who took omega-3 supplements had significantly higher fertilization rates compared to those who didn’t take the supplements. Their chances of achieving clinical pregnancy were almost 4 times higher!
So, if you and your partner have been struggling to conceive, adding more nutrient-rich salmon to your diet may help boost your fertility for that long-awaited positive pregnancy test.
5. Salmon For Arousal
Last but certainly not least, salmon may help amp up your sexual desire and arousal by increasing dopamine levels in the brain. As we discussed earlier, dopamine is the key neurotransmitter that drives libido.
The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon have been shown to raise dopamine production, increasing arousal and sensitivity. Some experts have even called omega-3s a “natural Viagra” for their ability to improve sexual function!
In one study, binge-eating disorder patients being treated with omega-3 fish oil supplements reported significant increases in sexual desire and relationship satisfaction compared to the placebo group. Other research suggests that raising dopamine through increased omega-3 intake may help treat female sexual arousal disorders.